Tag: coffee grinder

How to Choose the Best Home Coffee Grinder

It is a good idea to purchase a coffee grinder for your home. This really brings out the flavor of the coffee by leaving the oils intact. With most models, you can adjust the grind’s coarseness to suit various styles of brewing. You can also find a coffee maker that has it’s own grinder if you desire fewer appliances.

Clean your coffee grinder regularly. Coffee grinds go stale quickly. As a result, it is necessary to clean your grinder often. If the grinder is not cleaned on a regular basis, old stale grinds will be mixed with your freshly ground coffee. It is best to clean the grinder thoroughly every few days.

After cleaning your coffee grinder, grind a bit of coffee and then dump it. Since it is difficult to completely clean a coffee grinder, you can do this to get rid of any remaining old, stale grinds. Doing this should not be a substitute for a proper cleaning, however.

If you want to brew your own espresso, you need to use beans that have been finely ground. You can also use this grind in your regular drip brewer if you like really strong coffee. A good grinder will allow you to control the consistency to suit your preferences.

Clean your coffee grinder with uncooked white rice. Add a couple of tablespoons of dry rice to your grinder and turn it on. When the rice is ground, empty the grinder and repeat until the rice no longer contains flecks of brown. The rice binds to the oils and coffee particles that cling to the grinder and can turn rancid.

For the best-tasting cup of coffee, always grind your own coffee at home right before you are ready to brew. Choose a grinder that produces a medium grind. Finely ground coffee can be bitter and coarsely ground coffee tends to be weak. Generally, burr coffee grinders are better than blade grinders in producing the proper texture.

Be willing to invest in a good coffee grinder. Low end models can result in uneven ground sizes. Not only does this result in variable tasting coffee, but fine-sized particles can make it through the filtration process and wind up in your cup. Higher quality coffee makers reduce blade friction so the grinds are even and not singed.

Are you one of those gourmet coffee drinkers, or do you like your coffee out of a can? Do you like your coffee black, or are you going to add some mocha creamer to it? Remember what has been discussed in this article as you choose your next flavor and type of coffee to drink.

 Photo by ♔ Georgie R

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