Tag: coffee cream

Espresso with Whipped Cream – Coffee Recipes

Do you enjoy creamy coffees and rich cappuccinos? These beverages contain huge amounts of calories. Actually, drinking a cappuccino from your favorite coffee shop can be compared to eating an ice cream. Ask about calories the next time you order a creamy beverage and try drinking black coffee if you need to watch your weight.

If you drink coffee right, it can actually improve your health. Coffee by itself is not unhealthy, but adding too much cream or sugar can make it so. Use almond milk instead of cream and stevia or honey in place of sugar to make your drinks healthier.

If you must add something creamy to your coffee, consider using real milk instead of whitener. Whitener is a frightening blend of ingredients you can’t pronounce, while milk of any sort – be it cream, homo, 2% or skim – provides protein, vitamin B12 and other great nutrients your body needs.

If you are looking for a great way to turn basic, boring drip coffee into a special treat look no further than your own fridge and pantry. Hot chocolate mix or a scoop of vanilla ice cream can be great ways to sweeten up a cup of coffee and make it something special.

If you like a delicate flavor in your coffee, try adding some right to the pot while it’s brewing. A pinch of cinnamon or a few drops of vanilla will add flavor to the brew. Flavoring your coffee this way will keep the flavor from being too overwhelming, and you won’t need cream or milk.

If you buy some coffee at the cafe it might be pricey, but you can do this every now and again. A lot of coffee shops offer tasty coffee drinks, whipped cream included!

When adding syrup to your coffee, add it to hot coffee before you add anything else. After pouring a cup of hot coffee, add the syrup before adding other items like cream or milk. The heat from the coffee helps the syrup dissolve quicker. This helps boost the overall flavor and smell of your coffee.

If you drink coffee that does not have added cream, sugar or syrup, your coffee can actually assist you in burning off calories. Adding sugar to your coffee nullifies its fat burning properties. Consuming a cup of black coffee prior to eating breakfast can facilitate weight control.

Jazz up your coffee with unique sweeteners and flavors from your pantry. Raw and brown sugars are nice alternatives to white sugar. Other flavors you can use include nutmeg, cinnamon, cocoa and vanilla. Alternative milks made from soy and rice can be used as a substitution for regular milk or cream.

As you now know, there are a vast number of different types of coffee available to you. When you use the information given in the article above, you will allow yourself to discover and enjoy the type of coffee that suits you best. Just remember what you’ve read and enjoy!

 Photo by rockindave1

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